Brandon Sanderson free lectures on Scifi and Fantasy

Brandon Sanderson is a fantasy legend. He has written some of the most famous fantasy stories around and annoyingly, is a little bit younger than me.
Probably the best known of his series are the Stormlight Archive – starting with The Way of Kings; and the Mistborn series – starting with Mistborn: the Final Empire. Actually, the whole of his Cosmere collection is awesome, these are just the ones most people seem to start with. Sanderson also famously wrote the last book (actually a trilogy) of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. The man is talented. If you don’t know where to start, he has a handy page on his website giving you a few good options on where to begin – here.
I mention all this for a reason. The internet has been a great learning resource for me and it seems, millions of others during this lockdown fun. I have mostly been learning languages and drawing on Udemy and The Science of Wellbeing on Coursera (which is fascinating). But there is a lot of great stuff on Youtube as well. Enter Brandon Sanderson. I literally just stumbled onto a series of his lectures on YouTube (that link goes to the first one, which is also the one below) and thought I would share. You’re welcome.
If you are a budding science fiction or fantasy author, (and here is a superb example of one,) then these lectures are highly recommended. I have added the first one below and you should be able to watch the rest from there. In these strange times when people are at serious risk of boredom, I am trying my best to help. So read all of the books of Brandon Sanderson and kick back and watch the lectures. That should at least get you through the next week or two. Enjoy.