Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is happening

Everyone loved the appearance of Captain Pike, Spock and Number One in Discovery and as a consequence of that supportive outpouring, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is now officially going to be a thing. It will be part of CBS All Access’s Star Trek Universe, which is cool as the more Trek there is in the current world, the better.

I remember back in the more innocent and corona-free halcyon days of 2016 (almost exactly 4 years ago) talking about a decade of no Trek and CBS doing a new series. It was going to be called Discovery and it was exciting until a trailer came out and almost immediately, fans started to whine to about Klingons looking different and how it was hard to watch as it was on CBS. Cut to the disease-riddled, locked-down dystopian future of 2020 and all is forgiven. Discovery is fun.

I used to complain about the timeline always harking back to the past but have since chilled out about that. My reversal has nothing to do with Picard, (I will never complain about Sir Patrick Stewart and enjoyed Picard,) but more a realisation that the point about Star Trek is exploration and adventure by humans who actually turn out to be ok and not massive dicks. That optimism is what sets the show apart and always has.

So I am all for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds because it was a fun Star Trek period, we already know that the actors are up to snuff and that the budget and production are going to be good. The fact that Spock served with Pike for 11 years and 4 months does put a limit on how long Pike will be walking around and not beeping all the time, but Trek, at least thus far, has never gone beyond 7 seasons, so who cares? The time period from The Cage (which should be able to get here if you haven’t seen it) to The Menagerie is enough to have a lot of fun.

Boldly go, my friends! Star Trek: Strange New Worlds stars Anson Mount as Captain Christopher Pike, Ethan Peck as Spock and Rebecca Romijn as Number One. It should be a lot of fun. A new Star Trek series and generally nice, attractive people exploring space and having adventures can only be a good thing. There is no series of Star Trek that hasn’t had some superb episodes.

So here is the official announcement. Normally, I’d say ‘Make it so’ but in the spirit of Trek nerdgasm/excitement about the new show, I will go adapt. Hit it.

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