The Batman has an awesome new Batmobile!
The new Batman film doesn’t come out until summer next year but it is already being hyped pretty hard. Recently there was a screen test with the new Batsuit that seemed to have been filmed in an empty, poorly lit brothel. It looks pretty cool:
The new Batman film has a lot of bad guys in it, so I expect there will be a lot of pictures revealed as filming continues. So far there is Catwoman, Riddler, Falcone and Penguin. I may have missed some. Hopefully they have learned the lessons from tons of superhero films in that it is better to focus on one bad guy (two at most) at a time. It would be cool if Gotham just has all these mad bastards wondering around like in the comics. They don’t have to all be dealt with at once. More details on cast are here.
We haven’t seen any of them yet but pictures of the new Batmobile have been put online thanks to the writer and director of The Batman, Matt Reeves.
🦇🏎 #TheBatman
— Matt Reeves (@mattreevesLA) March 4, 2020
Nice. They have gone for more a ‘car’ vibe as opposed to a tank. In case you want to have a closer look at the shiny new Batmobile, I am happy to oblige because it looks great. Not everyone wants to look at Twitter after all.

Here is a different angle:

And finally, a shot of the engine.

Unlike the Batmobile in the recent Nolan trilogy, this is one that I would actually like to have. The Batman doesn’t come out until July 2021 but I am already pretty psyched and hardly anything has been revealed yet.