Star Wars Kenobi vs Vader reimagined

I was a bit dubious when I first saw that someone had redone the fight scene between Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi but then I watched it and holy shit is it well done. Instead of dicking about with Han Solo’s shot at Greedo (Han shot first!) George Lucas should put this clip into A New Hope when he does his next round of tinkering. Or Disney should. When Mrs Scifiward watched the first Star Wars film after having seen all the prequels she immediately commented on how slow this fight was compared to all other Jedi fights. It’s a fair point. Even Yoda vs Dooku was more energetic and they had a combined age of almost 1000 years.
This great clip, whose official name is ‘Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined’ fixes that. It was posted on the FXitinPost Youtube channel and they had this to say: ”
“Scene 38 ReImagined” is about the final confrontation between Ben Kenobi & Darth Vader in “A New Hope” nearly 20 years after the events of “Revenge Of The Sith.” This is a one-off story driven scene reflecting the characters in its chronological order from the point of Revenge of the Sith through Rebels, Rogue One, and all canon material leading to A New Hope.”
Vader was utterly awesome in that final scene in Rogue One and happily, he is back on form. Here’s the clip. Enjoy.