Star Trek Discovery trailer proves divisive

A couple of days ago I wrote about The Orville – a Star Trek parody that I hope will be good but I can’t help feeling on the fence about. In that case it was because it might not be funny. Now the Star Trek Discovery trailer has landed and I feel myself on a similar fence, except this time because is just doesn’t feel like should.

The trailer for Star Trek Discovery has divided the world into three camps – those who are Trek fans and think this looks great, those who are Trek fans and don’t like the JJ Abrams prequel-ness of it all, and non-Trek fans who are just getting on with their lives.

Now I will grudgingly admit that the trailer looks quite fun and seems well made with a decent budget, great cast and so on. If it had been a different series entirely, or even set after Voyager, I might even be massively excited. This is shiny new prequel Trek however, and while the films are fun and exciting, it isn’t exactly what I was hoping for when it comes to a Star Trek TV series. If asked, which I shockingly wasn’t, I would have requested something that continues the original timeline and looks like Star Trek before the Kelvin/Abrams reimagining. Something more character and story based, with less lens flare, action and see-through computer screens.

I know a lot of Star Trek fans are now sounding like whining little sad sacks but I understand where they are coming from. I guess it feels like the makers were unaware that there were a load of TV shows before the Abrams films. So they decided to make a prequel show that mirrors his ‘reimagining’ whereas most actual Trekkies want more stuff that feels like all the TV shows – and I am including Enterprise in that. I think I have just hit ‘peak prequel’. If something is going to look more technologically advanced, set it after the original.

I will stop bitching. Star Trek Discovery looks like it might be a good show with a great cast and the best effects yet. I just remain to be convinced that it is good Trek. Fingers crossed.


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