New Conan comic series from Heroic Signatures and Titan Comics

I got sent a very exciting email about Conan this morning. First, I should stress that I adore Conan, he is my favourite barbarian of all time. When I was around 10, my dad got me a Conan book, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and the Hobbit. It was the early 80s and a lifelong love of science fiction and fantasy books began.
I have since read every Conan book by Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter. Also, the one by Karl Edward Wagner, lots by Andrew J. Offut, Poul Anderson, and of course – Robert Jordan of Wheel of Time fame. There have been some very talented writers involved!
While reading all these books, I got into the comics. To be more specific – The Savage Sword of Conan. I still have around 50 in my parents’ attic. Since then, a lot of comics featuring the Hyborian hero have been released. I have loads in print and on my iPad. Since the 70s, there has pretty much always been a comic series on the go.
I guess I should do an article about the big fella at some point.
The big news is that Titan Comics and Heroic Signatures have released details of their new series and the creative team behind it. And I am pretty damned excited, by Crom! Here is the press release:

Plus, first details of Heroic Signatures and Titan Comics omnibus publishing program
(October 31, 2022) – Global publisher Titan Comics and entertainment studio Heroic Signatures are excited to reveal more details about their new co-publishing venture for Robert E. Howard’s most famous creation, Conan the Barbarian.
Launching in comic shops and digital devices in July 2023, the brand-new Conan the Barbarian ongoing comic will be written by acclaimed and long-time Conan comic book scribe Jim Zub (Thunderbolts, Uncanny Avengers), and will feature the stunning art of Roberto De La Torre (King-Size Conan, Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D) and colorist José Villarrubia (Promethea, Sweet Tooth, Cuba: My Revolution). This will kick off a brand-new, exhilarating series of comics of characters from across the Conan and wider Robert E. Howard mythos!
Plus, hot on the heels of this exciting new comic series, Titan Comics and Heroic Signatures are proud to reveal that in Fall 2023, they will be continuing the hugely popular omnibus line – previously published by Marvel Comics – with the next installment, Savage Sword of Conan Volume 9.
This all-new Conan the Barbarian comic series, set in the world of a classic hero, alongside re-mastered archives, will be sure to delight longtime collectors and new fans of the Conan franchise.
To keep up with the latest news and developments on the new comic book program, connect with Titan Comics on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
That is a lot of talent. If I get any new information or artwork or anything, I will share it here. If you haven’t read any of the comics or books and like fantasy, I highly recommend trying a few out.