World War Z

I feel like the zombie fad is coming to an end. Here is probably its last big budget Hollywood gasp. World War Z is based on a superb book by Max Brooks. The book is set years after a zombie apocalypse had wiped out most of the planet and follows a guy who travels all over the world trying to make a coherent history of what happened. It is essentially a series of interviews or short story snapshops of how things happened.
The book is great and I heartily recommend it. Now there is a film with Brad Pitt. (Probably some other people too but who cares about them?) It seems like they have adapted to the story to Brad actually travelling all over the world and witnessing the outbreak first hand. For some reason. There looks to be a bucket-load of CG and zombies in exotic places. Like 28 days later but global and with a cast of multiple millions. It looks pretty fun in a braindead kind of way. (Hah, see what I did?)
Anyway. After legendary delays and problems, they have finally released a trailer. Watch the trailer, then read the book, then post comments on youtube about how crap it will be. Enjoy.