Snow White and the Huntsman trailer

I know what you’re thinking: has Scifiward gone a bit lame? Kristen Stewart, the pretty vampire lover from the teen girl friendly Twilight films in a Snow White movie? Not a zombie or stomach bursting alien in sight? What’s going on?
Every month or so, I scour the apple trailer site to see the latest flicks. I used to use youtube but there are too many sad pricks doing fan made trailers and after a while I start to simmer in frustration and eventually want to kill. That’s best avoided. I saw this trailer advertised but didn’t bother looking at it because of the above reasons (see sentences two and three above.)
I was then browsing the Scifi Now website and Snow White and the Huntsmen was mentioned as being a bit dark. Dark is good. I then discovered it has Thor in it – the actor that is or it would be a weird weird and incongruous. He seems alright. The big plus though is Charlize Theron who plays the uber vain evil Queen. She always good to ogle, I mean watch. Mmmmmm.
Anyway, here’s the trailer. It looks intriguing and, as promised, quite dark. There’s even a glimpse of some dwarves. The only problem I can foresee is that Charlize Theron will always be hotter than Kristen Stewart. The latter is pretty but Ms Theron really need not worry. See what you think: