ScifiWard, the reboot
Here at ScifiWard towers, we thrive on change, novelty and the anxiety of a reboot. So we (or more accurately, I) have decided to mix up the website’s appearance a little. I am going to try and design a new header, maybe draw some stuff and generally spruce things up in time for the new year. Everyone loves a bit of spruce. Don’t worry though, just the appearance is new, the content will still be the same rambling nonsense as ever.
So please forgive me if things look a bit crap right now. My personal Scifi universe is going through a reboot and I know what you’re thinking: “Great news! Everyone loves a reboot.” Right? Ok, not always. But – Battlestar Galactica, Mad Max, Batman, Star Trek (movies), Dredd, new Planet of the Apes, Spiderman, X-men First Class, Dawn of the Dead and loads more, have all been superb.
I guess I am off on a reboot inspired tangent now but I just watched the new Hellboy trailer and am not convinced that it is necessary. It might be ok and I hope I am wrong. There is a reboot of Stargate incoming any day and I have read rumours of Babylon 5 being rebooted. (I loved Babylon 5!) With more media outlets and ever cheaper graphics and editing, we are probably on a permanent reboot loop from now on.
If any high-level media exec reads this, then may I politely ask for more Judge Dredd! It was rebooted and everyone loved it. More 2000AD generally. That way I will have more to write on my shiny new site. Thanks in advance and happy Christmas.