Scifiward is now on Twitter @scifiward

Exciting Twitter news! You can probably guess what it is from the clues above. In case that’s too subtle, Scifiward now has its own Twitter handle.
There are a number of changes coming to the constant excitement that is Scifiward.
For example, there will be a lot more content added regularly. Until recently, it has been somewhat sporadic, with new content coming randomly, weekly or biweekly. By biweekly, I mean every couple of weeks, not twice a week. But in the future, I will aim for at least biweekly, by which I mean twice a week. I could probably have phrased that better, but I blame the English language.
There will soon be a new header, which you can see above. I just have to work out how to do that without accidentally messing up the look of the whole site (again). If you read this and that has already been done, ignore this paragraph; it was all a dream.
I will also be expanding my science fiction book recommendation shopfront thingy. I will add more content to it and incorporate it here on the site. But again, I will need to work out how to do that. In my defence, this site has only been around for 12 years, so I can’t be expected to know how to do things in such a short time.
Anyway, big exciting plans are afoot! Stayed tuned.
In the meantime, follow us on Twitter. The name is @scifiward. Engage!