New Conan art including Mike Mignola cover

I’m a huge Conan fan. I got into the books when I was 10 and never looked back. So I’ve been incredibly excited about the upcoming series by Heroic Signatures and Titan Comics. Some new art from the series has been released, and by Crom, it looks good!
The new series doesn’t launch until the 26th of July. Which is a bummer. But here’s some info from Titan Comics:
Launching July 26, 2023, the new ongoing comic series is written by acclaimed and long-time Conan comic book scribe Jim Zub (Thunderbolts, Uncanny Avengers), with art by Roberto De La Torre (King-Size Conan, Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D) and colors by José Villarrubia (Promethea, Sweet Tooth, Cuba: My Revolution).
The debut issue will feature covers by Dan Panosian, Artgerm (featuring Brissa), Mike Mignola, E.M. Gist, plus a fun Patch Zircher retro theme, and a wraparound Hyborian Age Map variant, plus more! See full cover list below.
Plus, this Free Comic Book Day (May 6, 2023), readers will experience the legendary Conan like never before in a comic shop exclusive primer, kicking off the brand-new ongoing series.
Conan the Barbarian #1 is on sale at comics shops and digital devices on July 26, 2023 and will be available to pre-order from the May edition of Diamond PREVIEWS, and from Forbidden Planet for UK & Europe.
New Conan covers and interior art
I’m allowed to share a couple of pages of interior art from the first Conan comic. So I’m gonna. Keep in mind this is unlettered, but this is about the art, not the story. There is a lot of smiting going on.

Conan is supposed to be violent, so this is a pretty good intro. I am going to make a mad prediction based on my vast knowledge of dozens of Conan comics and books.
There is a big battle. Going by the blue dash across the hot lady warrior’s face, I am guessing she is a Pict, and this is up t’north. Normally in these scenarios, Conan and sometimes a companion or two are the only survivors. They spot something. This can be an attractive lady who turns out to be a ghost/spirit/demon, or something glowing in a cave, or just something that shouldn’t be there. Then they have an encounter with the supernatural or magic. Adventure ensues.
I could be wrong, but I hope not – it’s a classic setup.
Also released are a load of Conan covers. I included the Mike Mignola one above, as I am a huge Hellboy and BPRD fan. Mignola’s art is superb and distinctive as always, but (and I hate to criticise) I think Conan should be more muscular and generally large.
Here are the others:

I particularly like the Stanley ‘Artgerm’ Lau cover, but maybe I just have a crush on the lady.
I hope you like the art, I certainly do. As you can guess, I am very excited about this new series. If you haven’t already – check out some of the Conan books and comics that are already out. He is a consistently fun hero to read.
Finally, I leave you with a gorgeous map of Hyboria. Enjoy by Crom!