Game of Thrones 3

Am I talking about the book or the series? Actually both. My life seems to have been pretty dominated by Game of Thrones at the moment. I had previously read books 1 and 2 a while back, so it was great to watch the series. Then I took a bit of a break and read a ton of Science Fiction. Returning to the fantasy genre, I read the Assassin’s (Farseer) trilogy by Robin Hobb, followed by Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy. Both of which were awesome and also come highly recommended with the promise from my good self of a review any second now.
When Game of Thrones season 3 began, I was in something of a quandary. I found that I increasingly had to leave rooms and pub conversations as people kept talking about it. I wanted to read it before I saw the show but the books are bloody epic. Book 3, A Storm of Swords was split in two separate books as most people don’t posses the musculature of the characters in the show and were therefore unable to carry it around. The TV show was mostly the first book, Steel and Snow, and I thought I would read just that. I could read it at a leisurely pace and eventually watch the show at some point when it had finished. Perhaps wait till the Blu Ray.
Then an episode came out that almost meant I couldn’t even go on Facebook for fear of spoilers as all my annoying friends mentioned the trauma experienced after watching it. The episode is now known as ‘The Red Wedding’. If you have seen the show, you probably remember it. The series finished soon after and amidst all the raving reviews and tales of harrowing viewing experiences, I learned that there are scenes from the second part of book three, Blood and Gold, that also appear in the season. The pricks.
So I downloaded the whole of book 3, A Storm of Swords onto my kindle and have done little else but read for the last week.
It has been well worth it. This isn’t so much a review of Game of Thrones but more of an excuse as to why I haven’t done much else with my time, including writing. If you want a review and are into fantasy then here you go:
Game of Thrones books 1 to 3 = Bloody Great!
Now, if you’ll excuse me I have 10 hours of season 3 to watch.
Here is a trailer for season 3 because… well, why not? If you’ve seen the show already, just enjoy. If you’ve just read the books, watch the show! If neither, then I recommend quickly reading several thousand pages, followed by hours of your life watching seasons 1 and 2 and you’re good to go.