First Ahsoka episodes are great prequels

I watched the first two Ahsoka episodes yesterday and really enjoyed them. It’s a great live action Star Wars show with a lot of potential. I loved the Mandalorian and Andor – a western and a spy thriller – and now we have this – an adventure series?
It’s hard to tell so far, but the opening sequence was very ‘Indiana Jones in space’. Which is something I love. As I said, I loved other series for the vibe they are giving off, but what I have always loved about Star Wars is the myths, exotic planets, strange creatures, and sense of adventure. Then have a Jedi or some kind of rogue-ish adventurer searching ancient ruins or whatever, and it’s perfect.
This is another aspect of Star Wars that I have always wanted to see explored. The lore and all the ancient mystical stuff. I love sci-fi with thousands of years history and lost or forgotten civilisations. The recent Star Wars Jedi games explored some of these aspects and I really enjoyed them. This was something I’d been hankering for, for a while.
So after two episodes, I can conclude that, so far, I’m a fan. It has great characters portrayed by talented actors, adventure, and excitement. Although seeing Ray Stevenson shine as a baddie, made me kind of sad. He has been in loads of stuff I like.
Ashoka’s history and how it fits together with older shows
How the new Disney+ Ahsoka fits in with older Star Wars Clone Wars and Rebels is kind of involved. I would recommend watching them first, but that would take a fair amount of time, unless you binge like a bored Hutt. I had watched both shows but it was ages ago, so I watched a YouTube recap video. There are loads of them, which shows it is probably necessary.
I knew roughly when Ahsoka was set, but the show is kind of vague about it. At one point, Clancy Brown says to a gathered audience: “On this day, a few years ago…” Or something like that. Which seems a weird thing to say, when you think about it.
I was trying to work out how things tie in together in the overall Star Wars world, until the last scene of the second episode. It seemed familiar, so I hit YouTube again. And there it was. The recreation of the last scene in Rebels.
Essentially, the first two episodes are prequels to final scene of Rebels. Which I quite liked.
I now feel a need to rewatch all of Clones Wars and Rebels, so that I won’t have to spend so much time half remembering things and being concerned about bits I may have missed. For good or bad, Ahsoka seems to require some background knowledge.