Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

This probably won’t come as a surprise, but I was one of those cool and hip kids at school who played Dungeons & Dragons. I also read a lot of the books, such as the awesome Gord series by Gary Gygax (the inventor of D&D), all the Dragonlance Books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, and tons more.
I knew there was going to be a TV show, as they announced that in February, but I just don’t know how great that will be. The problem with a lot of these things is that they are made by people who were never fans of the original work and they try to appeal to as many people as possible.
I don’t know why this happens. Everyone is desperate for the next Game of Thrones but they keep getting it wrong. Read the first Game of Thrones books and you’ll see they are really close to the TV show. They were loved by fans and newcomers alike. But then look at something like The Wheel of Time and they just made pointless changes that annoyed everyone and made the story worse.
I hope I am wrong about the TV show, because world’s like Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms would be a great source of TV material. There has already been a Dungeons & Dragons TV show and I remember it fondly.
I think a film might be fun though. It doesn’t need to be deep or serious, but it can take a lot of the fun elements and make it spectacular. I know there has already been a Dungeons & Dragons movie – and I watched it – but I don’t remember it all that fondly.
This whole post is the result of a new movie and the trailer looks exactly like something I will watch. It is set in Forgotten Realms and is big budget – both of which are huge positives.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves has a great cast and is being pretty daring for modern live-action fantasy – it is trying to be fun and doesn’t take itself too seriously. That’s a bold move and one that I hope pays off. Here is the trailer – I am genuinely pretty hopeful about this.