Borderlands 3 is chaotic mayhem and a lot of fun

I just finished playing Borderlands 3 and it was a shitload of fun. I loved Borderlands 2 and this is just as good. Even better in some ways.
Borderlands 3 is pretty similar to the other games in the series. Highly stylised art, extreme chaos, humour, guns, loot and tons of killing. The protagonists this time are social-media savvy twins who have started a cult. They are pretty cool and powerful. Not quite as good as Handsome Jack, in my humble opinion, but it is no great loss.
The main thing Borderlands 3 needed to excel in for it to be fun and maintain its impressive reputation, is for shooting things in the face to be enjoyable. And they succeeded. Fuck is it fun. You start off picking one of four vault hunters. They are all different to appeal to the different types of players.
I am very much a ‘run into the room and shoot everything in an unnecessarily aggressive kind of way’, type of player. Frequently while shouting in joy. So I went with Moze the Gunner:

Moze has a huge mech suit that can shoot missiles and generally shoots the shit out of everyone. The other options seem fun too and I might try them out on a future playthrough.
I wrote before about the amazing art of the game. It is really stylish and very cool. There is even a book of Borderlands 3 art. Even its rejected art is amazing as you can see here.
One of the draws of Borderland 3 is its impressive array of guns. You will spend a lot of time looting and a large chunk of your sweet, sweet loot will be sweet sweet guns. Apparently, there are over a billion weapons. That’s quite a lot. This is from the official website:
There are over one billion guns in Borderlands 3, and every fight is an opportunity to add to your arsenal. Some guns launch exploding sawblades, some never need to be reloaded, others grow legs and pursue enemies on foot when you throw them.
Some of the guns are great – I had one that caused people to explode. Some are a bit annoying – I had one that turned into a grenade every time I reloaded and I frequently forgot and killed myself at annoyingly frequent intervals.
I even had one gun that shot guns.

There’s not much more to be said. If you’ve played Borderlands before and liked it, then you’ll love Borderlands 3. If you haven’t played it but enjoy FPS games that descend into mayhem and anarchic chaos – definitely give it a try.
In summary – I loved Borderlands 3. It is rare that I reply games but might give it another run-through as killing has never been so enjoyable. If you want to get more a feel for the game’s sense of fun and anarchy, check the clips out below. Enjoy.
And this one:
Have fun!