Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome Episode 1

I apologize for not posting this earlier. I got very excited earlier this year by the possibility of more Battlestar Galactica when BSG: Blood and Chrome was announced and came with an amazing trailer. The trailer is here if you want to wet your appetite (opens in a new window so don’t worry, you won’t lose this more exciting page). I complained a bit about Blood and Chrome being a ‘webisode’. I work for the Syfy channel and quite frankly they pump out quite a lot of shite. There are some real gems in their programming too, don’t get me wrong, but I should not have seen ‘Gateroid versus Mega Python’ four times. No one should have.
So why the big hairy balls is Syfy making something awesome and releasing it on the web. Through Machinima no less – my “go to” guys for game trailers? Well, the plan is (so the rumour grapevine has it), that there will be 10 ‘webisodes’ which will then be cut into a movie and released on Bluray. Which is actually a quite cool and novel way of doing things. Futuristic even.
If you have a shitty PC or laptop and broadband that can’t stream 1080p easily, you are missing out with this. Fortunately I can stream this in full resolution to my hi-def 42 inch plasma and it is fracking great.
The story follows a young William Adama as he joins the war against the Cylons. He’s cocky and a little annoying but gets more likeable as things move on. I will post episode 1 here today and episode two tomorrow. Then I will post it weekly. Enjoy. I massively did.