Amazing fictional starship comparison

I saw this clip showing a fictional starship comparison the other day and it is brilliant. It’s really well done and must have taken ages. The creators certainly have more patience than I will ever possess. There must have been an older version because I have vague memories of seeing it and it mentions that it’s updated in the description. I highly enjoyed the similar huge wall-chart thing that I posted about before- seriously check it out, it’s cool as fuck. I want one on my wall at Scifi Ward towers.
It pretty much is what it says – a comparison of fiction starships as they go up in size. I was waiting to see if Red Dwarf was in it, I don’t know why, and I am happy to say that it is. I felt weirdly nostalgic when it came on. I read some of the comments below the clip and was pleasantly surprised to see that I wasn’t the only one. Go Red Dwarf!
It starts a little slow but a sense of wonder starts to kick in around halfway through when you realise you are halfway through and have already reached the Borg cube. What the hell is still to come? There then follows a lot of ‘oh yeah, I remember that’ moments.
I don’t know much about Warhammer 40k beyond the basics but it seems to have some great spaceships. Based on this video and the fact that Amazon Prime day had some highly-rated Dan Abnett books on sale, I know that gap in knowledge will change soon. I bought Ravenor and already had Eisenhorn, so keep an eye out for when I finally get round to reading them.
(I should note that the above Abnett links are affiliates but they will cost you nothing extra. Also, they link to the UK store as the American store seems to charge insane prices – Ravenor is currently only £1.99.)
I have waffled enough. Here is an epic starship comparison video. Enjoy!