What to read next?

A friend of mine sent me a very cool link to a marvelous site called SFSignal (http://www.sfsignal.com). It’s a pretty cool site. Almost as cool as this one. Almost.
To be fair, they clearly put in a lot of time and effort as the chart my friend (hey Tim) sent must have taken bloody ages. And god bless ’em for the effort.
What they have done is to organise a list of the top 100 Sci Fi and Fantasy books of all time and arranged them into a ‘decision chart’. There is probably a correct terminology for this sort of chart but I have never worked in HR or worn a suit or even had my own desk in an office, so who knows? (Writing and TV work rules!) What you do is answer questions and find the book you should read next. Like a ‘choose your own adventure’ book without the dice or pencils or death. Errr, ok just the ‘choose’ bit. Anyway check it out.
Here’s the link: http://www.myextralife.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/SFSignalNPR100Flowchart.jpg

Or just click below.

Choose your own book!

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