Kyle MacLachlan explains Dune with emojis

Someone on Twitter asked the legendary Kyle MacLachlan to explain Dune. I assume it was meant as a laugh because Twitter is somewhat limited when it comes to giving explanations or descriptions. MacLachlan is always good value in everything I have ever seen him in. When I was young, he was the character that interacts with a cast of weirder characters – which, given that he was in a lot of David Lynch stuff, was some real weirdness. I’m talking about stuff like Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, and Dune.

Nowadays he plays the off-centre characters in things like How I Met Your Mother and Agents of SHIELD and is always fun. What I am trying to say is, I’m a MachLachlan fan. Now if you haven’t read the book of Dune, you should. It is superb and I reviewed it here. The film caught a lot of flack but I loved it. Possibly because I was on a lot of spice back then, or maybe I am just peculiar. If you have read the book or seen the movie, then you will appreciate the genius of what he did – you can really follow the story.

Here, in emoji, is Kyle MacLachlan’s Dune. I hope this becomes a new fad.

The story of Dune in emoji
The story of Dune in emoji, as told by MacLachlan

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